Well, after nearly tearing my hair out trying to find somewhere, ANYWHERE to live within driving distance of work, I have found a place to live near Ontario. Payette!
This will be the eighth zip code I have lived in, and it doesn't start with a "9", which I find somewhat disturbing. It seems like a nice place to live, this Payette place. Small, which is nice, and next to the Payette and Snake Rivers. And I'll be close to Leslie Gulch and Succor Creek. An hour from Boise when i need some "big" city action. Halfway between Salt Lake City and Portland (that seems really weird to me).
In other news, 19 days until I take my last final! Then a few days of spring break with my friends before moving away and starting this thing called real life. Hopefully in a few years I'll know if I'll be staying in Ontario, or if I'll be moving again, so i can then start looking for property to grow food, raise dairy goats, alpaca and a few horses....maybe some laying hens, too. But for now: One. Step. At. A. Time.