I get it...some people chew gum to get rid of bad breath. There are better alternatives. Mints for example. They freshen your breath, do their job, and then are gone. Perfect. There's also ginger. It takes all smells away and leaves you feeling refreshed, even better as it doesn't start tasting gross and stale. Or you could actually be hygienic and go brush your teeth! Are we really so lazy we can't take a moment to brush, REALLY!
And as for a way to release nervous energy...try getting more exercise. And if that doesn't help, don't eat so much sugar! For goodness sake, do you know how much sugar is in an average American's diet? Too much! Or if you really have am anxiety disorder, don't mask it by chewing gum and getting on everyone else's nerves...get some help and give your jaw a break!
Lastly, chewing gum to whiten your teeth! Bull-oney! If it really whitens your teeth, it probably has some sort of chemical which you will swallow because of all the saliva excreted from all the incessant chewing. That can't be a good thing. If you really need to whiten your teeth, use those strips, or trays, or even better, get a professional to do it.
I see no legitimate reason to chew gum except to look like a cow. So if that's your goal, have at it, cow-ey McCow cow!
You are full of unreasonable rage. :) Love you.
This is also one of my pet peeves...especially when they chew with their mouth open. Be sure to watch next time you see Brittany Spears (which will probably be tonight). She's one of the worst offenders.
(P.S. - thanks for opening up your blog to people like me! I love reading them.)
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