Today I will delve into my life philosophy, as it has developed substantially within the last, oh, six or seven months. Here we go:
- Live for the journey. Life isn't always, and usually isn't, about the destination. I believe that how you get where you are speaks volumes more than where you are. That means meeting turbulence with grace, and looking trouble in the eye. Handling adversity with understanding, gentleness, and patience. Learning to leave unnecessary thought and actions alone, and moving on.
- Worry Less. This one is hard for me, but I am trying. Things will get done whether you worry or not. It really is a useless, and destructive habit. I don't mean that slacking off and letting duties go undone, just not getting overly anxious about things outside of your control. Yeah, this one is a real toughie for me, though.
- Appreciate everyone for who they are. That includes ones self. Not everyone clicks with everyone else, cool. That adds to the interest in this world. Instead of getting frustrated with others, just realize that they have come along a different path, and that they have a different life history to pull from. If everyone agreed, progress would be impossible! Beauty arises from friendly disagreement.
- Choose your Battles Wisely and Carefully. No one can do everything, and no one can know everything about anything. Choose to be passionate about a few things and put your all into those things, instead of spreading your time and effort thinly across multiple causes. It is the fairest thing to do for everything and everyone in your life.
- Finally, Flirt with Yourself in the Mirror!!!! This sounds absurd, silly, and petty, but I have found it is essential to feeling confident and happy each and every day. Knowing that who I see in the mirror matches the person i am feeling inside that day helps me feel powerful and ready to take charge of the day.
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