Honestly, I'm not too sure why I am writing this blog post right now. I should be cleaning up my room, or doing some work on my field project, but I just need to write out my thoughts. Purge it onto you, my readers (even though I doubt you exist...anyone out there?).
- How am I going to make friends? I know literally NO ONE out there. This will be the first time I am going to be out there without a wingman by my side, no friends to go meet others with. I am flying solo. Yeah, I'm excited, but I am scared witless! Many of you know how much of a social retard I am when I get nervous. As soon as I meet someone, I'll open up pretty quickly and all, but I suck arse at that first, "hey!"
- This will be my first time living alone, no roommates, nada. No internet, either. I'm not too worried about that, just wondering how I'll waste my free time.
- Will I be ready for my job? I know that I am being hired as a student employee, so I am not going to be expected to know it ALL just yet, but I can't help but feel like I am going to mess it up. All I can do is give it my all, be receptive, and take criticism I suppose.
- Related to number one, what if everyone I meet turns out to be creepers. I am a creeper magnet, no joke. We will see, plus I am pretty good at giving the cold shoulder and standing my ground...so don't try me, creeper McCreeperston.
- Of course, what if I get lost? I do a pretty good job getting myself turned around in Eugene and Corvallis, which I have lived in a combined total of 21 years. No one in my contacts list will know how to help me get from point A to point B 400 miles away in the middle of nowhere. Hopefully I can find a really good map, or a really nice young cowboy.
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