18 June 2009

Week One: Complete!

I have lived in Enterprise for exactly one week today! AND I LIKE IT. I have great neighbors (even if the next youngest one is over twice my age) and wonderful co-workers. The clients I will get to work most closely with this summer are great. I have already had to get over some of my fears:
  • driving a stick shift. My assigned work truck is a manual. I learned to use the clutch, and have since driven to nearby cities. Soon I will be taking her to Baker City, La Grande, Ontario, Jordan Valley, and beyond. I like stick shift!
  • making phone calls. Pretty much what I get to do for most of the day. I'm having to get over my phone phobia
  • asking questions. I have to do it, and it's getting easier.
I also get to do things that I really enjoy:
  • I've already gone on a couple hikes in some awesome country.
  • I've gotten to trail ride around Wallowa lake
  • I will get to drive cattle this weekend!!!!
  • Terminal Gravity Brewing has some of the nicest bar-staff and brewmeisters around
  • cowboys...enough said

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I am so so so happy you like it and very proud of you, Miss Sissy.
