30 April 2010

Pros and Cons {Payette Version}

Pros of living in Payette, Idaho:
  • I am a "ho"
  • A five minute walk gets me to the greenway--a gorgeous walking path by the confluence of the Payette and Snake Rivers
  • Only need to cross the bridge to get back to Oregon
  • An ice cream truck runs right by my house on Fridays!
  • Constant entertainment such as watching a guy get pulled over at 11 am for going the wrong way down the road on a riding mower with a 40 oz of pbr taped in his hand
  • Only an hour from Boise, the Owyhee Dam, McCall, the Payette National Forest, and the Boise National Forest
  • You feel good about yourself by just having all your teefers and not wearing spandex or having a mullet
  • All new appliances in my awesome little house
Cons of living in Payette, Idaho:
  • I'm a "ho"
  • Spandex
  • Mullets
  • Sales Tax
  • Sitting in your car at the gas station for about five minutes before remembering you have to pump your own gas
  • You feel like a loser without a gun rack and/or antlers on your truck (or coyote tails and rattler buttons tied to your antennae)
  • Being so far away from the people I love the most

12 April 2010

An Important Post

As I was sitting in my cubicle doing on-line training modules today at work, watching the rain come down, wishing I could be on a field review, I had a realization:
I am alive

That may not be astonishing to you, I know, and it shouldn't be. But almost four years ago I attempted suicide. Yeah, I'm putting that out on the world-wide-web for anyone who comes across it to read. But I think that it needs to be out there: suicide. It is made so taboo that people feel ashamed of what they have survived. But no more. Everyone should be able to talk about it, normalize it a little so that it can be openly spoken of, and so that help can be found expediently for those who are suffering so deeply.

To my family and friends who follow my blog: Thank you and I love you, each and every one of you!