28 May 2010

Ooooooooo-klahoma where the wind comes rushing through the plains!

Adventure time is coming up in about a week! I get to head to the mid-west and spend three whole weeks in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I'm being sent for work to attend "Conservation Boot Camp" or CBC*. Sounds real hard-core, like we're some sort of dirt army**. I wish, it's pretty much drilling the nine steps of conservation planning into our heads along with all the red-tape government requirements that we have to deal with. But it should be fun getting to meet about 20 other new employees from all over. I looked at the list and am excited to see some other PNW'ers from Washington state, and a few pacific island folks (THAT would be a dream locale!)

*The government is WAY too fond of acronymizing everything, I call it AAD, acronym addiction disorder
**I can't get the image of little GI Joes left in the sandbox, carrying little sharp-shooters and range-hoops

1 comment:

Shauna said...

can you post some Oklahoma pictures soon?? I can't wait to hear all about the OK!